The tale commences with Arthur Curry, now reigning as Aquaman, delicately balancing his duties between Atlantis and the surface world. However, this equilibrium shatters when mysterious tremors cascade through the depths of the ocean, heralding the reawakening of a primordial threat. Central to this upheaval is Atlan, the inaugural King of Atlantis, resurrected by the enchantress Nereida. Driven by a deep-seated thirst for retribution, Atlan aims to seize the throne and impose his dominion over the Seven Seas, endangering not only Atlantis but also the surface realm.
Empowered by the fabled Trident of the Depths, Atlan wields the ability to harness the ocean’s formidable forces, capable of unleashing devastating tsunamis and seismic upheavals. With these calamities unfurling, Arthur joins forces with Mera, Orm (known as Ocean Master), and the sagacious counselor Vulko to unravel the origins of these disturbances and devise a strategy to thwart Atlan before cataclysm engulfs both worlds. Their odyssey leads them to time-honored underwater domains, confronting mythical beings and concealed perils as they race against the clock to avert an impending conflict of epic proportions.
Empowered by the fabled Trident of the Depths, Atlan wields the ability to harness the ocean’s formidable forces, capable of unleashing devastating tsunamis and seismic upheavals. With these calamities unfurling, Arthur joins forces with Mera, Orm (known as Ocean Master), and the sagacious counselor Vulko to unravel the origins of these disturbances and devise a strategy to thwart Atlan before cataclysm engulfs both worlds. Their odyssey leads them to time-honored underwater domains, confronting mythical beings and concealed perils as they race against the clock to avert an impending conflict of epic proportions.